When you make it through a difficult situation sometimes your focus remains on the tough journey you just endured, instead of enjoying the relief or enjoyment of the new day. There will be good and bad times, but once they pass, we need to keep moving forward to be in the present. Staying stuck in past experiences can alter your daily mentality. Try some of these suggestions to help you move past the tragedy and into the present.
Take control of your thoughts.
When you catch yourself dwelling on past issues, distract yourself with what is in the room with you now. Pick up an item with a different texture, list the colors you see, light a candle with a pleasant scent, if there are others in the room strike up a conversation or activity to bring your focus back to the present. This is a great mental workout to keep yourself present. Remember past situations have already happened and the outcomes cannot be changed, but you can control what you are choosing to do now.
Enjoy the good times!
Stop worrying and start enjoying! When fun moments are happening stay with them. Don’t compare them to other moments or think you don’t deserve them. Participate and have fun! It’s alright to start enjoying your life again. Just because tough times happened doesn’t mean you stay there; you must actively give yourself permission to move forward and pull your focus to the good times!
Focus on the flow.
Flow occurs when you're so engrossed in a task that you lose track of everything else around you. As you focus more, self-consciousness decreases. You feel as if your awareness merges with the action you're performing. You feel a sense of personal mastery over the situation, which can put your mind at ease, releasing the distraction of any past thoughts and be here to enjoy the present!
“I will not be trapped by the past. Today is a new day of possibilities.” - Nancy B. Urbach
All of this is a part of mindfulness; learning to live in the moment, feel the moment, process the moment, then continue through your day. Every situation doesn’t have to have a deeper meaning or an alternative motive. Worrying about it takes your focus off experiencing the moments happening now. Yes, tough times happened, but it doesn’t mean you
set up camp and stay there. It’s time to take control of where your mind wonders and focus
on this moment, so you can start to enjoy your life again.