It’s no secret that finding the truth in today’s world can sometimes feel like an exhausting game of Hide and Seek. With so many agendas bombarding us from every direction, it can be difficult to decipher which information is reliable and which is just plain nonsense. Don’t let the unknown defeat you or give you cause to worry. We have some tips to help you hone your discernment skills and make sure you know when something isn’t quite right. Let’s dive into how you can tell when something is true or not.
Do Your Research
The first step in cutting through the noise is doing your own research. Instead of blindly accepting what someone else tells you, take the time to look into their claims for yourself. This will ensure that you understand exactly what is being said and why, as well as provide more accurate context for any facts or figures that are being presented to you. Taking an objective view of all available evidence before coming to a conclusion; will help you to gain a better understanding of any given situation and avoid making snap judgements based on only one side of the story. This step does take more time and effort, but it can also provide you with the most clarity.
Talk To People Directly
Another great way to get closer to the truth is by talking directly with people who have knowledge or experience with whatever it is you are trying to find out about. Not only will this give you access to first-hand accounts and information, but it also allows for a more personal connection with those involved in order for both parties to get a better sense of each other and create an honest dialogue about what really happened. Plus, hearing someone explain their perspective face-to-face helps build trust between two people and makes it easier for them both to understand each other’s point of view without feeling like they are being deceived or misled in any way. Any story retold over and over will start to lose some of the important details over time, until you are just left with the re-teller’s version of events which is how gossip gets started. If it’s a global story, look for the data set they are referencing, or the original reports of people close to the situation to determine your truth of what is going on.
Trust Your Intuition
Finally, don’t forget that your intuition can be one of your most powerful tools when it comes to determining what is true or false. If something doesn’t feel right, chances are there may be something off about the situation at hand. Pay attention to any red flags that may come up during conversations or while doing research, and don't hesitate to ask questions if anything seems out of place or unclear. Following your gut instinct can often lead you down the right path towards uncovering the truth!
It's not easy finding the truth these days! With so much conflicting information floating around online and on the news. It's important that we take time out from our busy lives and put effort into researching and confirming information before jumping on board with whatever narrative might be presented to us. Doing your own research, talking directly with those involved in certain situations, and trusting your intuition are all key components when it comes to honing your discernment skills. Use these tips the next time you're trying to figure out whether something is true to you!